Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Objective Assessments

The idea that tests are the only objective assessments of student learning has become obsolete.  The diversity of students' backgrounds and learning styles along with the emergence of 21st Century Skills dictates changes in the way educators assess learning outcomes.  Standardized paper and pencil tests may produce data that shows learning over a period of time, but they can not indicate the depth of knowledge a student has gained.
Educators can create objective assessments using rubrics and understanding that there is value in the process that leads to the product.  Using a rubric can be a helpful tool when assessing various types of projects, writing samples and even discussions.  Allowing students to express themselves in more creative ways can give a clearer picture of what the student understands because they are presenting the information in a way that is comfortable for them.  Forcing students to put thoughts on paper in one specific format or fit into an a, b or c only answer doesn't give them the chance to justify their thinking. 

Providing clear learning expectations and adhering to them will result in objective assessment which clearly shows the knowledge students have gained.

Assessing deep understanding, reasoning and skill:

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